Showcase Jackpots


Thank you for registering your win

Showcase Jackpots


Thank you for registering your win

Next Steps


An Onyx Gaming support officer will give you a call to confirm all your details (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday). They will let you know about the delivery driver (step 2).

This is unless you have already spoken to an Onyx Gaming support officer.


The delivery driver will give you a call to arrange a suitable time for delivery. The delivery driver will call on Mondays (between 4pm to 5pm) to arrange deliveries for the week.

Note Monday is NOT when the delivery will be made.


Upon delivery, the delivery driver will ask for your Fixed Prize Jackpot Wins Details Register, Jackpot Receipt Voucher and a Driver’s Licence for proof of identity. They will then give you a Delivery Docket with the prize as receipt of delivery.

Please ensure you keep your records of the following items. You will need to provide the Fixed Prize Jackpot Win Details Register and the Jackpot Receipt Voucher to the delivery driver. These can be found in your Showcase Winner’s envelope provided to you by the venue. You’ll also need to show the delivery driver proof of identity like a Driver’s License to confirm you are the prize winner. If you are a contact person helping the prize winner, you only need to show the winner’s proof of identity.

Fixed Prize Jackpot Details Register Example

Win Register

Jackpot Receipt Voucher Example


Proof of Identity – Driver’s Licence Example


NOTE: If you are not the winner and are acting as the winner’s contact, please advise the winner that they must be present on delivery as the driver will request for photo identification upon delivering the prize. The only exception is if the winner signs a Statutory Declaration to advise otherwise, and you have notified Onyx Gaming 48 hours ahead of the scheduled delivery time.